As an aspiring author I know just how expensive self-publishing can be. AffordablePremadeFantasyCovers is a platform that provides exactly what it says, affordable pre-made book covers. Browse through our list of book covers till you find the one perfect for your story. Click on the template you would like to purchase put in your books information and you will receive your customized book cover within 24 hours. Here at AffordablePremadeFantasyCovers we want to champion you along your publishing journey and hope we can be a part of your journey in brining your story to life!
However, there are more rescourses out there than just our business. Being a writer is hard, but contrary to what so many people say, it doesn't have to be a solitary task. There are so many recourses, like writing classes, critique partners, writing buddies, or writing groups, that can make the task so much more enjoyable. When you really think of it the options are endless and they are open to you. But you should be writing...shouldn't you? Thats why I want to make it as easy as I can for you. All you have to do is email me at, with your answer to the question posted down bellow. Within 48 hours, I will send you a list with a personalized self-help list for sites I think might be helpful for you.
What area do you feel that you would want to improve as a writer?
Are you considering self publishing or traditional publishing?
Are you a plotter or a panser?
Are you looking for a writing community/critique partners?
What type of genre do you write in? ( Ex. YA fantasy, Contemporary, MG fiction, etc.)
In what area of writing do you excel in?
Is there anything specific you would like to learn more about in the publishing/writing world?
Lastly if there is anything else that was not covered in the questioner above please let me know..
While we may just be a cover designing business, here at AffordablePremadeFantasyCoverDesigns we want to see you succeed in accomplishing all your writerly dreams.